2024 萬聖節南瓜燈創作大派對 2024 Halloween Creative Pumpkin Workshop 'n Party
- 編號: HKERS053
- 截止日期: 已截止報名
- 名額: 已滿額
- CA$0.00
報名方法 :
1. 請將 參加嘅「小朋友」和 「成人」 人數 分别加到購物車。(每個家庭需獨立報名,最多3位小朋友 + 2位成人);
2. 請 填寫小朋友英文姓名及年紀,然後去購物車,選擇「查看」,再選擇「去結帳」。
3a. 如果你係會員,可以直接登入結帳。
3b. 如果你係非會員,請選擇「 直接結帳」,選擇「 繼續」,填妥個人報名資料。 (如果你係香港人,請提供香港手提電話號碼)
4. 成功報名後,會再電郵付款方法及詳細活動資料。
Date: October 27, 2024
Time: 13:30 - 16:30
Location: Calgary Chinese Cultural Centre
Room: 2nd Floor Hall
Language: Cantonese (with English assistance)
Age: 3 years or older (Parents and children are welcome. Please specify the number of accompanying parents when registering, with a maximum of 2 parents per family.)
Materials Fee: $10 per child (Includes craft materials, gifts, and prizes. Please bring cash for on-site payment; no change will be provided. Participants must also bring one pumpkin for each kid.)
Capacity: 40 children
We invite everyone to join us for this party!
If you’re interested, please email admin@hkersac.ca to sign up