Disclaimer (免責聲明)
The information contained in this website by HongKongers Association of Calgary (" HKERSAC") is for reference only. The Association will make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information on this website, but the Association will not fully guarantee that the information is accurate.
本網站所載資料由卡加里香港人會館 ( 下稱 " HKERSAC ")提供,僅供參考。本會將盡一切努力確保本網站信息的準確性,但本會不完全保證信息的準確無誤。
1 | If HKERSAC members link to the webpages provided by other organizations/companies from the website of the Association, you must be aware that these webpages are compiled and provided by the organizations/companies that own the webpages. The Association is not responsible for the content of hyperlinks linked to this web page, nor for any loss or damage caused by the use of such hypertext.
如果 HKERSAC 會員從本會館網站鏈接到其 他組織/公司提供的網頁,您必須注意這些 網頁是由擁有該網頁的組織/公司編譯和提 供的。本會館不會對鏈接到該網頁的超連結 的內容負責,也不會對因使用該超文本而造 成的任何損失或損害承擔責任。 |
2 | HKERSAC have retain the right to amend the terms and conditions at any time without notice. HKERSAC 保留隨時修改條款及細則的權利,恕不另行通知。 |
3 | Without prejudice to any of the foregoing provisions, each member expressly understands and agrees that HKERSAC and HKERSAC's merchant shall not bear any legal responsibility for the following matters: 在不影響前述任何規定的情況下,各會員明確理解並同意,HKERSAC及HKERSAC的加盟商戶對以下事項不承擔任何法律責任: |
4 | If there is any dispute between HKERSAC members and HKERSAC's merchants, both parties shall resolve it by themselves. HKERSAC has the right not to participate in disputes and HKERSAC's exercise of this right does not affect any of HKERSAC's rights under these terms and conditions. 如會員與 HKERSAC加盟 商戶之間如有任何爭議,雙方應自行解決。 HKERSAC 有權不參與爭議,而且HKERSAC 行使該權利是不會影響 HKERSAC 在這些條款和條件下的任何權利。 |
5 | HKERSAC merchants may impose additional terms and conditions on the rewards enjoyed by our members. HKERSAC members agree to be bound by the additional terms and conditions regarding the award. HKERSAC 的加盟商戶可能會對我們的會員所享有的獎賞施加附加的條款以及細則。 HKERSAC 成員同意受有關獎勵的附加條款以及細則的約束。 |
6 | HKERSAC shall not be responsible for any loss arising from the failure of HKERSAC merchants to provide any goods or services. If our members use the services provided by HKERSAC merchants, in addition to these terms and conditions, the terms and conditions of HKERSAC merchants shall also apply, and HKERSAC shall not be responsible for any loss arising therefrom. HKERSAC 對因 HKERSAC 的加盟商戶未能提供任何商品或服務而造成的任何損失概不負責。如果我們的會員使用 HKERSAC 商戶提供的服務,除本條款外,HKERSAC 商戶的條款和條件同樣適用,由此產生的任何損失 HKERSAC 概不負責。 |
7 | Neither HKERSAC nor/or HKERSAC merchants shall be liable for any direct, indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense of any kind arising from or in connection with HKERSAC membership. This exclusion of liability applies whether such loss, damage or expense is caused by negligence or otherwise, and whether or not HKERSAC and/or HKERSAC merchants has any control over the circumstances giving rise to the claim. HKERSAC 和/或 HKERSAC的加盟商戶均不對因 HKERSAC 會員資格引起或與之相關的任何直接、間接或後果性損失、損害或費用負責。無論該等損失、損害或費用是由疏忽或其他原因造成,以及 HKERSAC 和/或 HKERSAC的加盟商戶是否對引起索賠的情況有任何控制權,此免責條款均適用。 |
8 | In the event of any disputes involving this plan, the final decision may be made by HKERSAC. 如有任何涉及本計劃的爭議,最終決定可能由 HKERSAC 作出。 |
9 | HKERSAC members shall back up the text, pictures and other information uploaded in the message by yourself; the Association shall not be held responsible for the loss or damage of all or part of its content for any reason. HKERSAC會員應自行備份留言中上傳的文字、圖片等信息;本會不對其內容的全部或部分因任何原因的丟失或損壞承擔責任。 |
10 | For all statements made by your remarks, opinions or actions on this website solely your own only. It also does not represent the position of the Association, and the Association does not assume to take any responsibility. The Association cannot guarantee the correctness of the identities claimed by HKERSAC members. 對於您僅代表您在本網站上發表的所有言論、意見或行為;亦不代表本會立場,本會不承擔任何責任。本會不能保證 HKERSAC 會員所聲稱的身份之真確性。 |